Wednesday 8 February 2017


I heard a story once about an eagle's egg that had got lost or abandoned and was found by chickens. When the egg was hatched, it was loved and cared for by the chickens, brought up to act and behave as if it was a chicken. It knew nothing else... 
Until one day, the eagle was with his brothers and sisters pecking at the ground, like a chicken, when something made him look up to the sky. High above he saw a majestic sight, a beautiful bird soaring gracefully. Something was stirred inside him, a remembrance, a recognition of 'home'.
He asked the chickens, "What is that beautiful bird up there?" The chickens looked up. "Oh that," they said, "that's an eagle, king of the birds. But forget about him, you are one of us, you are a chicken... ."
As I understand it, it's all just about recognizing and remembering Who and What we really are, regardless of what we've been told by others or how we have been brought up. A rose will grow into a rose even if it's in the middle of a field of tulips.
They may try to discourage you by telling you what they perceive as limitations, but your  potentials are innate and nothing can change that!!! The moment you discover that you are born a champion, then its time to hit the ground running.
There is an ancient Indian word "Dharma", which has two meanings. The first is, "Your nature, your true, real, essential nature." The second is, "Your purpose in life". To me the two are inseparable. I believe the word literally translates as Truth.
You are what your deep driving desire is, as your desire is so is your will, as your will is so is your deed, as your deed is so is your destiny. DESIRE to succeed by igniting your WILL thus pushing you into action in form of your DEED which will translate to success and that's your DESTINY!!!
God bless.

Tuesday 7 February 2017


Morning good Friends, today I would like to talk about, 'The Right Tools for Success'.
Life has a way of testing your courage and belief in yourself. How you react is up to you. 
Let me ask, do you believe in yourself? Have you been able to overcome adversities before? Do you have the necessary tools to help you through the difficulties of life?
If you answered yes, then you have it in you to do it over and over again each time you get knocked down. 
Most of us have been knocked down hard, more than once, but with the proper tools, we didn't let it wreck our life neither has it deterred us from pushing on and striving for success. When faced with such a situation, the best tool to first apply is positive thoughts, tell yourself "Okay, there is some lesson here I need to learn", and move on.
I count myself as one who has always had my tool box ready whenever life situations proved complicated. I have always had that belief that I could do anything, be anything, and go anywhere I wanted and had my life tools ready whenever I needed them. I wasn't afraid of the unknown, I knew that sometimes I'd falter, but that's how we learn. Trust me it worked!!!
Now I know there is someone out there reading this who couldn't pick themselves back up  thinking and feeling they are down and out. Well I have got good news for you, "THERE IS HOPE, JUST CHECK YOUR TOOL BOX".  
You can do it too, though it will take time, commitment, action and determination. You will need to surround yourself with tools that can help you break through your barriers. Like a mechanic, we all need tools to help us refine our skills for dealing with disappointment, hurt, anger and grief.
Tools can come in many forms - written material just like this one you are reading, recorded material, images, and of course, people. You will have to try many, usually, before you find the right combination. But once you do, look out!!! All of a sudden the light bulb inside your head will light up!!! And you will get it and understand what you have to do to move forward".
I urge you to do something nice for yourself today,  take a minute to reflect on what you want to happen and then start looking for the tools that will help you complete your plan.
It is my Prayer that your tool box is fully packed with the right and useful tools as your begin your day.
God bless your hustle, Amen.

Monday 6 February 2017


Control, fear, doubt and anger, these are the real deadly killers of the human race. 
We hurt ourselves by feeling these emotions and we hurt others by directing these emotions at them.
But what if we could direct unconditional love to whomever we meet? By doing so, can we help the world be a better place? Maybe, maybe not but one thing I am very certain of is, we'd certainly help ourselves to be better people. 
Now ponder on this, have you ever asked yourself, why do we let other people hurt us? Simple, and here is the main reason, because we put so much expectations on them, expectations that even we ourselves have failed to live up to with others!!!
If you love someone you feel it and that feeling is yours. It is not necessarily that they must love you back equally.  Look at children. We still love our children when they disappoint us, don't we? So why not our workmates, teachers, friends, siblings or partners? It's because we put conditions on what we give out. 
If you want to help someone or give something you choose to do it because you want to, not for "Brownie Points" or for public acknowledgement or even show off. No other reason than just because you want to - that is showing love.
If you can help a kid cross a busy road and it feels good so why not with everything else?
When you learn that giving love without expectation is the purest of all faith, then and only then, will you be on the road to really knowing yourself.
Lets make today count, cheers.

Sunday 5 February 2017



Good morning my wonderful friends. Let me apologies for the long break. I guess I needed time to myself, which was quite necessary. I want to thank you for your patience and sincere commitment, God bless you.
Today I want you all to open your heart to others, try to understand what and how they feel. When someone reaches out to you, hold out to your hand to them. Most times people just need a listening ear, and the problem is we hide under the guise of being too busy to spare some few minutes. I think we need to change that attitude.
Follow your heart regardless of whatever people say, do the things that make you happy and smile throughout you days cos life is too short to be unhappy. Treat other people the way, you'd like them to treat you, always do what is right, to your heart and stay true to yourself and others.
Remember what life's all about, it's how you make people feel, what you do, where you go and making dreams become real, helping people through, in hard times of pain and strife, What you do for others, is what's important in this life.
Look deeper don't judge people, by what's on the outside, it's what's inside that counts and what people often hide. 
Care, help, love, be honest and be kind.
Do all you can in the time you have because you won't always be around.  
And if you can do all this and live a life of simplicity and love, then be sure You'll be helped through life, by HIM who is up above.
Do have a blessed week.