Wednesday 26 October 2016


When God created man, he was perfect. In fact, everything that God created at the beginning was very good. However in man's state of perfection there was still something lacking in him. God said it was not good for man to be alone. God was not talking about man being lonely. God was talking about man trying to achieve his goals all by himself.
The isolation of Adam was the only thing that wasn't good in God's sight. Man was not created for isolation. Man was created for connection. If your dream or your vision is large enough and it is God-given, it will require the assistance of other people.
There is power in association. Remember, Adam had seeds in him but he had no womb to carry and nurture those seeds. That is why he needed somebody else. God said, "I will provide him a helper." There are helpers that God has provided, whose skills and expertise will help in the fulfillment of your own dream and desire. There are people whose minds are designed just like a woman's womb to help actualize your dream.
Where there is no vision the people perish. It is also true that where there are no people, the vision will also likely perish. What Jesus, in the bible, did first when He was starting His assignment on earth was recruitment. That is why it is important for you to develop people skills. If you want to have friends, you must make yourself friendly. This season, God will bring across your way, those who will help you to move to the next level.
Before you step out of the house today, take a good look in the mirror, what do you see?
A winner of course!!!
Do have a blessed Thursday. 

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