Wednesday 21 December 2016


Good Morning friends, hope you slept well. This morning I had already prepared my article for today when my wife mailed me this story and ask that I share it with you guys. After reading through, I was touched and I pray it does the same to you. Read and be blessed, and thanks Mrs Kashibu for this master piece. 

At the point of death, a man, Tom Smith, called his children and he advised them to follow his footsteps so that they can have peace of mind in all that they do.. His daughter, Sara, said, "Daddy, it's unfortunate you are dying without a penny in your bank..
Other fathers' that you tag as being corrupt, thieves of public funds left houses and properties for their children; even this house we live in is a rented apartment..
Sorry, I can't emulate you, just go, let's chart our own course..
Few moments later, their father gave up the spirit..
Three years later, Sara went for an interview in a multinational company..
At interview the Chairman of the committee asked, "Which Smith are you..??" Sara replied, "I am Sara Smith. My Dad Tom Smith is now late.. The Chairman cuts in, "O my God, you are Tom Smith's daughter..?"
He turned to the  other members and said, "This Smith man was the one that signed my membership form into the Institute of Administrators and his recommendation earned me where I am today. He did all these free. I didn't even know his address, he never knew me. He just did it for me.. "He turned to Sara,
"I have no questions for you, consider yourself as having gotten this job, come tomorrow, your letter will be waiting for you.."
Sara Smith became the Corporate Affairs Manager of the company with two Cars with Drivers, A duplex attached to the office, and a salary of £1,000,000 per month excluding allowances and other costs..
After two years of working in the company, the MD of the company came from America to announce his intention to resign and needed a replacement. A personality with high integrity was sought after, again the company's Consultant nominated Sara Smith..
In an interview, she was asked the secret of her success.
With tears, she replied, "My Daddy paved these ways for me. It was after he died that I knew that he was financially poor but very rich in integrity, discipline and honesty".
She was asked again, why she is weeping since she is no longer a kid as to miss her dad still after a long time..
She replied, "At the point of death, I insulted my dad for being an honest man of integrity. I hope he will forgive me in his grave now. I didn't work for all these, he did it for me to just walk in".
So, finally she was asked, "Will you follow your father's footsteps as he requested ?"
And her simple answer was, "l now adore the man, I have a big picture of him in my living room and at the entrance of my house. He deserves whatever I have after God".
Are you like Tom Smith..?
It pays to build a name, the reward doesn't come quickly but it will come however long it may take and it lasts longer..
Integrity, discipline, self control and fear of God makes a man wealthy, not the fat bank account..
Leave a good heritage for your children..
As an agent of CHANGE, please share this link with your loved ones..
God bless you all.
Please share this link with your loved ones..
God bless you all.


Life itself isn't hard but it is the lives we create for ourselves that are hard and I need you to remember this the next time you make a decision that will alter something you are used to. Don't take what you have created for granted, because the next thing you know, it'll crumble to pieces...... right before your eyes, and there won't be a thing you can do to stop it.
Everything that happens in your life, whether you knew about it or not, was predetermined by a choice you made earlier on. We start our life on this one road, the main road, and at the very beginning we make a decision. Some go to the left, some go to the right. Others just keep going. But at some point every person goes in a different direction. Sometimes paths may collide, and paths may split. Meaning people come and go.  And there comes a time in everyone's journey, when you come to a cross road. Then you ask yourself, do you take the left, or the right turn? Which one do you choose? How do you know that the path you will end up choosing will take you to the right place? So many questions seeking answers.
My dear friends, please my advice is you should ask the holy spirit to guide you in choosing the road that will best lead you to your destination. And don't take for granted the time you have as a youth to prepare yourself for the real world, because what you learn now about life, will help you when you meet REALITY for the first time. 

It is Christmas eve, and my wholehearted wish for you is that your prosper and remain in good health. This will be the last episode before new year's eve, because today I begin my holiday, for me it is all about family and loved ones
Please lets be wise with our choices during the Christmas, and count our blessings in this year (2016), cos I know God has been so good to all of us, as we anxiously and confidently await a more promising 2017. 
Expect my last article for the year on Saturday 31st of December, 2016. 
I once again wish you happy holidays in advance, cheers.

Tuesday 20 December 2016


It's 6:00 o'clock in the morning; the alarm sets off. You get out of bed. You take a bath. You have your breakfast. You leave the house. You're ready to face another working day. Are you not?
When I was a kid, I would ask my father why he and my mother had to work. He would always tell me that they had to, so we could have the money to buy food, to pay for the bills, to pay for our schooling (I come from what you can call a middle income family). Both my parents worked, Dad was a business man while mum had a shop where she sells food stuffs in bags at a market called Kasuwar Dawanau in Kano ( hope I got the spellings right, lol), though they are both aged and retired, but I'm really grateful to God, that in spite of that, we were never lacking in love, time, nor care from our parents even till date.
As a matter of fact, my brothers, sisters and I grew up to be responsible individuals because our parents really took care of us. We all went to good schools, and they never hesitated to whoop our butts when we deserved it. lol
They made sure that we did our homework. They didn't pressure us to aspire for honors, but we were motivated enough to study hard so we'd get good grades. What we have become today is our way of repaying our parents who never complained about working and providing for us as kids. I guess fate has been really good to my brothers, sisters and I, modesty aside, we all are doing ok, and to God be all the Glory.
My parents taught me that one has to work in order for him to live a good life. They stressed, however, that this should not be taken as having to live just to work! They said that work should only be a part of life and it should not occupy one's whole existence.
And they lived this philosophy. At the end of the work day, they would leave all their work-related problems so that at home they could be devoted to us 100%, no less.
To this day, I still hear their message that work should be just a part of life and not life itself. It is a pity that some people see life the opposite. They have forgotten how to really live because they work too hard.
There is nothing wrong with striving at work, but people must watch out for signs that they have begun to work themselves to death. Remember that anything in excess is bad. Maybe, you want to achieve something badly, that's why you work so hard. But I believe that success in the workplace doesn't always bring happiness.
To be successful means that you have to sacrifice some things and sometimes, you end up sacrificing your family, your friends, your life, just to achieve your professional goals, but you are likely to lose yourself. Then you wonder if the loss is worth the gain.
Everybody's wish, in this world, is happiness and there are many ways to be happy. But when we work too hard or worry too much, we often forget that the simple things in life are those that make us happy…. like a call from family or a friend, a smile from a stranger, a surprise gift, a good meal, a pat on the back signifying well-done etc. It doesn't require much to get these gifts. These gifts are for free, but they provide immeasurable happiness.
My advice this morning is work to live and not live to work. Find time for yourself, for your family, and for your friends. Keep in mind that your priority is your loved ones, and not your work. Everybody deserves to be happy and I hope that everyone grows old without any regret in life. 

Let's use this Christmas holiday to spend quality time with our loved ones, cos these are the memories we will keep until we depart this world.
I hope each of us will have a smile on our faces when we reminisce the old times, cos I do sometimes have a smile on my face with I remember my Father taking me to Lebanon Club in Kano in the early 80s to play tennis with his friends and business associates. I felt loved and special. Sometimes I wonder if he remembers as well. 

I hope that you finds living exciting and wonderful. It is my wish that we would all find the time to do the things that really matter most.
Let us work hard, not purely for our professional goals, but for a better life, why?

Monday 19 December 2016


·  Your presence is a present to the world
·  You are unique and one of a kind
·  Your life can be what you want it to be
·  Take every moment as it comes
·  Count your blessings, not your troubles
·  Stop, Listen and then Act
·  Within you are so many answers, ask questions
·  Be yourself, stop imitating others
·  Do not put limits on yourself
·  Dream big and set it as a Goal
·  Make Timely Decisions
·  Do not compare yourself with others
·  Nothing wastes more time and energy than worrying
·  The longer you carry your problem, the heavier it gets
·  Let go of the Ego
·  Life is full of choices
·  Be Energetic, Enthusiastic and Excited in life, always
·  What you don't like, others may also not like
·  You get what you give, give love to receive love
·  Your thoughts are things so mind your thoughts always
·  Realize that it is never too late to start a new thing
·  Keep doing ordinary things meticulously to become extraordinary
·  Remember that a little everyday adds up to become big results
·  Stop Wishing and Start Fishing, this simply means take Action Now!!!