Wednesday 7 December 2016


Success in his own life and expertise in teaching others meaningful ways to reach their goals earned Paul J. Meyer recognition as one of the world's most outstanding authorities in the fields of goal setting, motivation, time management, and personal and professional development. Today I want us to tap from his wealth of wisdom. He once shared the following formula for his success:
Crystallize your thinking. Determine what specific goal you want to achieve.

Develop a plan for achieving your goal and a deadline for its attainment.

Develop a sincere desire for the things you want in life. A Burning desire is the greatest motivator for every action

Develop supreme confidence in yourself and your own abilities. Enter every activity
without giving recognition to the possibility of defeat.

Develop a dogged determination to follow through on your plan regardless of obstacles, criticisms or circumstances.

Now that you know the formula as articulated by one who has lived by it, let me throw in this challenge,  sit down to set your Goals and plan for the remaining part of 2016 and next year. Come up with a plan, back it up with a burning desire. Build up your confidence, take a look in the mirror, what do you see? A winner!!! An Achiever!!! Get your butt out of that bed, clean up and step out with the dogged determination that today, you will get that contract, job, approval, supply, or whatever your heart desire is.
Don't sit back and procrastinate, that is the problem with most people, so get up and take action immediately. I believe in last minute results and miracles.  
Your case is different and you are breaking forth on every side because God is at work in your life. Do these words sound familiar? Powerful isn't it? They are words from God spoken through His servants both Bishop David Oyedepo and my Father in the Lord Dr Pastor Paul Enenche. 
I pray these words find meaning in your heart and translate to reality in your life. 

God bless your hustle today, Amen.

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