Tuesday 6 December 2016


According to Robert Schuller;” If we fail to plan, we are planning to fail “.
That is why we must decide our destination before we start the journey. And like the saying goes, if you don’t have a target, you cannot hit one.
So let me ask what were your targets for this year? Did you meet them? 
The year is gradually ending, what are your leftovers and what would be your targets for the new year? It is paramount you set goals for yourself, yes we must have goals. The problem is a lot of us don't set goals but sit and wish things would turn out good in our favour. There is more to success than the wish creed. SET GOALS!!! Goals are powerful. They make the difference between success and failure, between wealth and poverty, and between happiness and frustration.  
Without specific goals, success is impossible, because success is simply the accomplishment of goals. Without goals therefore, frustration, depression and discouragement set in. But do not be discouraged. You will not fail. You will succeed. God will help you to breakthrough, but first, here and now, I challenge you to set definite goals for the rest part of this year. Start working on your targets for the remaining part of this year and the new year, there are last minutes opportunities still abound, and you can be a beneficiary. Crystallize your dreams on paper.
Set goals for your family, your finances, your health, your relationships and most of all, your spiritual life, and you would be on the partway of success.
It is my wish for you to succeed in all aspects of your life. 
God bless your hustle as you step out today, and always remember the difference between you and others is your attitude towards RESPONDING TO LIFE!!! 

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