Thursday 15 December 2016


How do you choose your friends, your pals, or even your partner? What criteria do you consider when selecting those who would become your friends ? Do they show regard and esteem for you? Do they show a concern for others? Do they show respect for life?

Each time we choose a friend, pal, or associate, we choose a part of our destiny. Bad associations corrupt good morals and destroy good personal conduct. Don't let the wrong people turn you into the wrong person. Don't allow bad associations to waste your goodness and love for life. Don't follow those who would lead you to unhappy hope.

For so many people, their life predicaments are as a result of the kind of friends they have kept and still have. Let me share this personal experience with you for the benefit of this topic. I remember during my teenage days, I had this friend (let's call him Dave) who smokes. Way back then he was the coolest kid on the block and got all the attention from most of the youngsters especially the girls, lol, yes the girls!!! Dave was seen as a mature "Guy" while I played the role of his sidekick. I am sure some of you can relate to my situation. Long story short, I found myself smoking all in a bid to become cool and loved by other kids. After so many years, it took the Grace of God for me to quit smoking after so many attempts and new year resolutions. All because of my association with Dave!!! Thank God I quit and my lungs are still in good shape, after several checkups with the Doctor, lol.   
What am I trying to say here, life is too meaningful to allow bad associates to waste your life. Select as your playmates, your pals, your friends, and associates those who will support your growth in a positive manner. Associate with those who show honesty, integrity, good character, and concern for their fellow man and in all their dealings. Share your life with those who have goals, ambitions and want to better themselves, their environment, their community, and this world.
Choosing your friendships is a lifetime effort. So discover who you can trust. Discover who you can rely on when difficulty arises. Discover who supports your thoughts and deeds. Know who you feel comfortable with. And, most of all discover and develop the association of those who want to share God with you and the world.

It is time to sieve out those you don't need anymore, and do so with no apology, why? Because it is your life we are talking about here. Don't waste it!!! And permit me to boldly tell you today that you have found a good friend in me, that is if you find me worthy of being one.

TGIF, do have a blessed day and a great weekend, cheers.

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