Sunday 6 November 2016


There is an interesting discovery I made, that most of the poorest countries in the world are in the tropical regions. Most of the countries that are in the warm climates are poor excepting two that have reversed their situations in the last few decades – Hong Kong and Singapore
Almost all the rich countries in the world are in the temperate regions.  The first interpretation an African mind would give is that there may be a curse on people who live in the tropics, LOL. Or could it be that living in a warm climate doesn't allow one’s brain to function very well? Is it when the brain is chilled that it’s cells work properly? If we can prove this scientifically, I would make a strong case for everybody to get air conditioners, whether ‘tokunbo’ or new from anywhere, whatever the price to cool our brains so they can function properly. But I do not think that is the case, I think that the harshness of the environment in the temperate region has forced people to innovate and create things fast or else they would become extinct. Fact is when it gets so cold there that people die, when you walk on the streets and your ear freezes, your hands freeze around your bag such that you will have to warm them up to be able to stretch them. In fact, it gets so cold in some places that they do not venture out of their houses for weeks!!! Their cars are submerged in snow. If they do not think of making heaters and other means of keeping themselves warm, they will die, so it is in responding to their environment that they have to think and create things. In the process they get their minds working, and now it is a culture for them to think, innovate and create new things.
We here need to start tasking our minds, lets be creative. Look around you, identify a challenge and begin the process of proffering a solution. For most of us, we keep complaining while opportunities stare at us right to our faces.
I have a friend who gets Yam from Benue, puts up her ad on Facebook for friends to come and buy here in Abuja!!! She started small, and now she is doing well, guess what? She is a Civil Servant!!! Instead of restricting herself to her primary assignment, she identified a need and proffered a solution.
Its a Monday, so start the week as a champion that you are.
Remember what makes us all different is how we RESPOND TO LIFE differently!!!

1 comment:

  1. Word; My contribution is this...: it is not the problems or challenges of life that is the issues but how or what we do to deal with the challenges that matters because challenges will always come no matter your status here on earth.... So our mind needs to be at an alert and highly creative to give right solutions to every problems
