Sunday 13 November 2016

Rules To Live By...

Good morning Friends, how was your weekend? You rested well I believe. It is Monday, the beginning of another week full of God's Love, Blessings and Guidance. And as you start the week here are three rules I am suggesting you live by each day: 
      (1) Be grateful! Happiness is not about getting what you want, it's about enjoying what you've got! So keep your perspective and be grateful every day. Rudyard Kipling said, "Do not pay too much attention to Fame, Power or Money. Some day you will meet a person who cares for none of these, then you will know how poor you are."
      (2) Don't compare! When you see your neighbors buying new furnishings for their home, taking expensive vacations and driving new vehicles, does something stir inside of you to do the same? That is sometimes jealousy and it can lead to a competitive attitude, which might not be too healthy, as most times it is done with strife and this might lead to hatred if you don't achieve that desired goal. Because someone appears to be in different circumstances to yours, doesn't mean anything. Because your situation is better than the next person's it doesn't make you a special being! Remember Ecclesiastes 9:11 says, "the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happens to them all".
Your neighbors might earn twice as much. Or they may be in debt up to their eyeballs; or be heading for bankruptcy or divorce, don't judge them. Don't make assumptions and don't try to be like someone else. Be yourself, run your own race, remain steadfast and focused, I am positive that success is just around the corner!
      (3) Give! Bruce Larsen says, "Money is another pair of hands to heal, feed and bless the desperate families of the earth. In other words, money is my other self." But that's true only if you're willing to part with it! Money's like manure: if you let it pile up it stinks, if you spread it around it helps things grow! Jesus said, "Unto whomsoever much is given, of whom shall much be required" (Luke 12:48). Money gives you options the less fortunate can only pray for. On the other hand, how you use your money will be one of the biggest issues you'll face on Judgment Day. Just Think about it!
Once again remember these three rules to live by BE GRATEFUL, DON'T COMPARE & GIVE!!! 
Like I have always said, the difference between us is in how we RESPOND TO LIFE.
God bless your hustle this week, cheers.

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