Wednesday 16 November 2016

The Power Of Ideas... (conclusion)

Ideas are simply thoughts, plans or mental impressions in the mind. However they are more powerful than we may understand. It may also interest us to know that God did not finish creation, but only started it. He did not turn into physical reality all of the things that were real in His mind. He gave man the privilege and honor to 'help' Him translate into physical reality the remaining of those things that are reality in the spiritual realm.
People like Alexander Graham Bell, Antonio Meucci and Steve Jobs have done their part.
Mark Zuckerberg is doing his part. What this means is the rest of creation is waiting for us!!! Do you know God could have created 20 Billion people at the same time? He could have created the skyscrapers we have around, the fastest aircraft, the biggest ship and many more things. But He left all these to us, wow what a privilege!!! What He said in Gen. 1:26 was to make us have the fulfillment of being co-creators with Him. No wonder Psalm 8:4 says "What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

I, you, him, her, them, we, are fearfully and wonderfully made, we are special!!!
Creation begins with an idea. Since He created us in His own image, He has made us with the capacity to produce thoughts and ideas, and the capacity to turn them into physical reality. Ideas are more powerful than the brain that produce them because they usually outlive the brain.

I want you to understand that there are great destinies waiting for you in God's mind! God is just waiting for the opportunity to transfer them into your mind. It starts with you tasking your mind from today, it is time to start brainstorming!!! The day an idea is introduced into your mind is the day creation begins. Everything visible today first of all existed in the form of an idea in someone's mind, e.g. cars, microphones, clothes, buildings and so on.
I didn't just start this today. It first came to my mind in 2005!!! Yeah, way back, I was working with Crowther Radio now known as Love FM. I felt the need to encourage people every morning. It took a while for people to get a hang of it, but after a while a became a name to reckon with in Abuja. After years of taking a break, now I have just realized I don't need the Radio anymore. I can sit right here in my room and reach MILLIONS of people!!! 

Every human being is potentially wealthy and prosperous. The poor person is one who does not have ideas because they are the seeds that guarantee a future harvest. A mango seed is ultimately a mango forest but this will never come into being until the mango seed is planted and it grows into a tree. This process, when consistently repeated, transforms the mango seed into a mango forest. 
I want you to understand that lying within the range of the faculty of your mind is a great destiny. And it is my prayer that you won't miss it.
Take time out this weekend to pray and ask God to give you a winning idea and a discerning spirit to identify the right opportunity when it presents itself.
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." (3 John 1:2)

You will succeed!

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