Monday 7 November 2016


Yesterday I talked about the harshness of the weather in the temperate regions which has forced people living their them to be innovative. As a result they have built the richest countries in the world. In our country, what is in the weather that is a threat to our lives? No earthquakes, no snow, and no cold that is so bad that you cannot go out of your house.
The closest thing to all that is rain. Fantastic weather! So all we have done is to create shelter to keep out rain and we have left it at that. The temperate region for example, had to develop communication gadgets because, when you stay in your house for two weeks and you cannot come out, it is difficult to say hello to your uncle on the other side of town. They had to develop the telephone to be able to talk to themselves. Here, why do we need telephone? You want to see your uncle? Then take a stroll. That could probably explain one of the reasons why we talk too much, LOL. If the snow forces us to stay in-doors, won’t we think? Not that I am praying for it to start snowing here so we can become innovative, but here why should you think when you can talk? It beats me!!! Maybe that is why the GSM companies come up with the advert lines - ‘talk more, pay less’ LOL. It is impressive whenever I see people read. When you get on a bus take note of how many people have books with them and how many just chat away. It looks like the convenience of our environment has rendered us mentally lazy. 
I please will want to ask that you open your eyes to the needs we have in our environment and begin to think of how to do things in a different and better way.
For instance, when next you want to eat, take a minute to look at the food and ask yourself how much improvement has come on the recipe since you were born. And then think about what you could add to make it different. You will realize how easy it is to be a trail blazer and to prosper in our beautiful country Nigeria. There are so many opportunities abound in this God Blessed Country of ours, we just need to identify and proffer solutions.
I believe We can make it by RESPONDING TO LIFE differently and I know we will. 
Do have a very lovely day.

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