Sunday 20 November 2016


Relationships are so important.  We have many kind of relationships. We have family relationships-immediate family, extended family.  We have relationships with coworkers, church family, neighbors, and friends.
Sometimes we gain relationships with others by doing hobbies, or enjoying things we have in common with others.
  The question I ask is how healthy are your relationships?

True enough there are different levels of relationships, but I still ask the question how healthy are your relationships?

I truly believe that if we struggle with any of these different groups of relationships we put our other relationships in jeopardy!

Can you remove your mask and just be you?  You would be surprised how many walls will come tumbling down if you can just be who you are.
It is also time for us to stop expecting so much from each other. As situations arise, we have to be able to talk about them.
Know that it is ok to disagree.  Know that everyone deserves an opinion and you may not always see eye to eye with one another, but it is ok to disagree. We should never expect something from someone that we are not willing to do ourselves.

Think about it.  There is a reason for every person who is in your life.  It is up to us to figure out why?  There is a lesson to learn in everything we go through each day.  There are many lessons to learn in our many relationships!  Allow God to be in the center of your relationships.  You would be surprised how much better our many relationships would be if we allowed them to be God centered.

As Gods chosen people and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.
Forgive as the Lord forgave you.  And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.  Colossians 3:12-14
Remove Your Mask and start RESPONDING TO LIFE positively!!!
Have a blessed day, cheers.

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